Extensions for Website X5
Freeware > Homepage Creation
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This is NOT a program of the PRIMA-series. It was developed to optimize my webpages which were created using "WebSite X5" (firstly Smart 9, later Compact 9, now Evolution 16, 17 and 2019). It offers functions which are not included in the respective version of "WebSite X5" and gives you the possibility to rework HTML-projects created by Incomedia's "WebSite X5". Especially for the "small" versions "Free" and "Smart" (starting from Release 10 it was renamed into "Home", with Release 13 into "Start") this program gives you an advanced functionality; this includes partial "Compact" too. Meantime there are some functions which could be from interest for users of "Evolution".
The producer of "WebSite X5", Incomedia, explicitly indicates in all versions and releases on it, that it's possible to rework the HTML-pages (function "Export"). This program uses this possibility. No licence key will be cracked and no licence law will be bypassed; the usage of this program is completely legal.
This possibility I want to give all other Free-, Smart-/Home-/Start- and Compact-users of „Website X5“.
The editing bases on "WebSite X5" projects, you can edit/manage/rework an unlimited number of projects.
If the result should be wrong then open your project in “WebSite X5” and export it to the hard disk again. This will overwrite the error pages. The project files used by “WebSite X5” itself will be NOT changed, only the exported results (HTML pages and images).
Beginning with Release 4.0 this program supports the direct inserting of code into your Incomedia-Project (at the time only 2 "EaR"-functions). For these functions there is no post-processing necessary.
- The reworking of the projects bases on that the project was exported onto your hard disk (this I make every time to check the changes by different browsers local).
- After EVERY modification of your project in “WebSite X5” you have to export and rework it. Don’t forget to refresh your reworking settings (e. g. a new page or other)!
- The transmission of your project directly from “WebSite X5” into the internet isn’t possible - you must tranfer the reworked pages on your hard disk - but there are a lot of good freeware FTP-clients.
That I don't forget to rework my project after editing in "WebSite X5" I firstly start this program and from this as second "WebSite X5". So the "Extensions for WebSite X5" are already running on finishing the editing in "WebSite X5" and I can start the rework of the project.
The advantages are overbalanced to the disadvantages for me. Especially for the users of the "Low Cost"-versions "Free" and "Smart" / "Home" / "Start" it should be so too.
Now, when I'm using "Evolution" 16, I also use this program:
- on www.jw-ebooks.de: the functions robots.txt, Keywords multilingual, "EaR"-function "Back-to-Top"
- on www.inntalsoftware.de and www.inntalsoftware.de/en: the functions robots.txt, "EaR"-function "Back-to-Top", "EaR"-function "TabsRD"
As I still was using "Compact 9" I used the following functions additional: Insert table, Hide menu items and Header Links.

actual Version:4.0 (07/28/2018) - Major ReleaseInternal Skins(default skin bold):material light, material darkDevelopment:2012 - 2018Licence:FreewareLanguages:English, German (in German under the name "Erweiterungen für WebSite X5")Installation:
NO Portable usage:YES -
The most important functions:The complete program history you can find here.FunctionVersion (Releases 9 - 17, 2019) *FreeSmart
StartCompactEvolutiondirect linking of projects (useful because of the limited number of 10 or 25 pages on "Free" and "Smart" / "Home" for increasing the available page number to about maximal 64 or 529)XXXdirect links from menu items to internet addressesXXXXInsert an own background image without creating a new templateXXXTexts and images with links in header and footerXXXKeywords for multilingual pagesXXXXCreate a sitemapXXXX**Create a robots.txtXXXXInsert tablesXXXHide menu itemsXXXX***Scroll back to topXXXX****Don't scroll the Header (the horizontal menu will be displayed always)XXXX*****Display page content in tabsXXXXDisplay page content in tabs RD (for pages in Responsive Design)XXXXBatch processing for project-postprocessingXXXXSupport for two page visitor countersXXXX"Edit at RunTime" - Function TabsRDX"Edit at RunTime" - Function "Back to Top"X* - with Re. 12 "Smart" was renamed into "Home"; with Rel. 12 "Free" and "Compact" are no more available; with Rel. 13 "Home" was renamed into "Start"** - only in special cases: "WebSite X5 Evolution" creates a sitemap with all pages in the actually loaded project. But there are special cases like on my projects: The main project www.inntalsoftware.de (German) has a subfolder with a second project for inntalsoftware.de/en (English). If I want only one sitemap for both projects (in German and English) than I have to use my program "Extensions for WebSite X5".*** - useful for Evolution-users till Release 11; with Rel. 12 the function is included in Evolution**** - useful for Evolution-users till Release 12; with Rel. 13 the function is included in Evolution***** - useful for Evolution-users till Release 12; with Rel. 13 a similar function, which always displays the menu, is included in EvolutionAdditional functions, independent from the version:- automatically logging of the project processing
- after finishing a project processing the log file can be displayed automatically
- a small and light HTML- and CSS-EditorWith the newest Release 4.0:New functions:- Check for dead links- "Edit at RunTime" - function TabsRD- "Edit at RunTime" - function "Back to Top"I tested with the following versions and releases:- Free 9, 10, 11
- Smart 9
- Compact 9
- Evolution Demo 9, 10
- Evolution 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16Legal Notes: "WebSite X5" is a trademark of www.Incomedia.eu. That includes all versions of it ("WebSite X5 Free", "WebSite X5 Smart", WebSite X5 Home", "WebSite X5 Start", WebSite X5 Compact", "WebSite X5 Evolution", "WebSite X5 Professional"). -
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